Statement of Consolidated Profit and Loss for the year ended March 31, 2021

` in Crore
    Notes Year ended
March 31, 2021
Year ended
March 31, 2020
I. Revenue from Operations
i) Interest Income 30 44,461.55 45,253.26
ii) Surplus from deployment in Cash Management Schemes of Mutual Funds 812.78 1,118.90
iii) Dividend Income 38.45 89.21
iv) Rental Income 31 55.60 47.13
v) Fees and Commission Income 1,967.72 2,138.82
vi) Profit on Loss of Control over a Subsidiary 10.1 - 9,799.10
vii) Net Gain on Fair Value Changes 32 1,971.68 (179.67)
viii) Profit / (Loss) on Sale of Investments Properties (2.20) 35.11
ix) Net gain on derecognised (assigned) loans 1,102.95 967.87
x) Income from Life Insurance Operations - Policyholder's Funds 33 70,575.18 28,041.47
xi) Income from Non-Life Insurance Operations - Policyholder's Funds 33 18,050.28 14,414.51
Total Revenue from Operations 1,39,033.99 1,01,725.71
II. Other Income 37.25 70.19
Total Income (I + II) 1,39,071.24 1,01,795.90
III. Expenses
i) Finance costs 34 29,081.26 32,109.45
ii) Impairment on Financial Instruments (Expected Credit Loss) 35 3,030.76 5,951.12
iii) Employee Benefit Expenses 36 1,700.67 1,356.66
iv) Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment 15 355.35 256.11
v) Establishment Expenses 37 44.83 56.78
vii) Expense of Life Insurance Operations - Policyholder's Funds 38 69,387.55 26,618.01
viii) Expense of Non-Life Insurance Operations - Policyholder's Funds 38 17,196.87 13,934.50
ix) Other Expenses 39 958.12 1,066.12
Total Expenses 1,21,755.41 81,348.75
IV. Profit before share of profit of Associates 17,315.83 20,447.15
V. Share of profit of Associates 9 6,921.47 5,746.10
VI. Profit Before Tax (IV + V) 24,237.30 26,193.25
VII. Tax Expense
- Current Tax 3,937.98 3,415.75
- Deferred Tax (188.23) (48.97)
Total Tax Expense 40 3,749.75 3,366.78
VIII. Net Profit After Tax (VI - VII) 20,487.55 22,826.47
IX. Other Comprehensive Income 41
(A) (i) Items that will not be reclassified to Statement of profit or (loss) 1,940.98 (7,150.50)
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to Statement of profit or (loss) (162.84) 620.12
Subtotal (A) 1,778.14 (6,530.38)
(B) (i) Items that will be reclassified to Statement of profit or (loss) 80.43 203.97
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to Statement of profit or (loss) (20.11) (31.55)
Subtotal (B) 60.32 172.42
(C) Share of Other Comprehensive Income of an Associate 9 (256.64) 144.54
Other Comprehensive Income (A+B+C) 1,581.82 (6,213.42)
Total Comprehensive Income (VIII + IX) 22,069.37 16,613.05
Profit Attributable to:
Owners of the Corporation 18,740.06 21,434.57
Non-Controlling Interest 1,747.49 1,391.90
Other Comprehensive Income Attributable to:
Owners of the Corporation 1,565.22 (6,374.24)
Non-Controlling Interest 16.60 160.82
Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to:
Owners of the Corporation 20,305.28 15,060.33
Non-Controlling Interest 1,764.09 1,552.72
Earnings Per Equity Share 43
Basic (`) 105.59 124.14
Diluted (`) 104.70 123.19

See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements

As per our report of even date attached.

For B S R & Co. LLP
Chartered Accountants
Firms’ Regst. No: 101248W/W-100022

Deepak S. Parekh
(DIN: 00009078)

Sagar Lakhani
Membership No. 111855

Keki M. Mistry
Vice Chairman &
Chief Executive Officer
(DIN: 00008886)


Renu Sud Karnad
Managing Director
(DIN: 00008064)

MUMBAI, May 07, 2021



J. J. Irani

(DIN: 00311104)

Nasser Munjee

(DIN: 00010180)

U. K. Sinha

(DIN: 00010336)

Jalaj Dani

(DIN: 00019080)

Bhaskar Ghosh

(DIN: 06656458)

Ireena Vittal

(DIN: 05195656)

V. Srinivasa Rangan

Executive Director &
Chief Financial Officer

(DIN: 00030248)

Ajay Agarwal

Company Secretary
(FCS: 9023)